15:00 / 3PM

This screening session includes 2 short films (approximately 60 minutes, original versions with English subtitles).
@ Velvet Room, Alpacastraat 29, 9000 Gent.
Tickets are only 6€ per session, and include a free drink at the bar afterwards. *All proceeds go to The Bigger Screen, an international organisation supporting independent filmmakers.

Non Person (Belgium) by Kris De Meester (out of competition)
*** Cannes International Film Week
Filip, a seasoned artist in his sixties, has spent most of his life hiding his true self, haunted by a troubled childhood. He describes himself as a 'non person', merely existing, pleasing others, and evading reality, trapped in a facade. However, as he confronts his past, Filip embarks on a journey of self-discovery, finally embracing his authentic identity after six decades of suppression. Through introspection and acceptance, he begins to unravel the layers of his true essence, marking a profound transformation in his life.
Running time: 7:30

Tangle (Belgium) by Carla Hoogewijs, Frank Stevens
Tangle is a multimedia film blending vivid imagery, haunting words, and evocative soundscapes to delve into the core questions of human existence. Structured as a monologue in five chapters, it begins with a single breath of steam and culminates in the miracle of cell division, symbolizing the cycle of life and death. Through themes of chaos versus order, the yearning for self-expression, and the boundless symbolism of the sea, the film becomes an invitation to reflect on life’s tangled essence.
Running time: 00:38:39