20:00 / 8PM

This screening session includes 1 feature + 1 short film (approximately 90 minutes, original versions with English subtitles).
@ Studio Skoop, Sint-Annaplein 63, 9000 Gent.
Tickets are only 6€ per session, and include a free drink at the Studio Skoop bar afterwards. *All proceeds go to The Bigger Screen, an international organisation supporting independent filmmakers.

Compromis (Belgium) by Liza De Maeyer
What sensitivity arises when the transaction between sex worker and client no longer revolves around sex, but around intimacy, warmth and love? When as a professional you have to give emotional intimacy instead of pure physicality, when as a customer you long for affection and warmth so much that you give money for it?
Running time: 00:10:49

Zaad (Belgium) by Dries Meddens
The documentary ZAAD is the autobiographical story of filmmaker Dries Meddens. Searching for identity and fearing genetic heredity, he digs into his family history. After his mother passed away, Dries discovers his father’s bipolarity. The care this mental illness imposes in his young adult life leaves no place for mourning over his mother’s death. Countering the way society and psychiatry crudely and ruthlessly treat his father absorbs all his attention. Eventually – while in a closed section of a mental hospital – his father dies of a heart attack. Emptying his parent’s home, Dries discovers, among an overload of left behind projects of his father, an old letter from his grandfather. The man appears to have led a very busy and productive life. He was the founder of an internationally renowned seed breeding company (Nunhems Zaden, now owned by BASF) and still had time to paint, write diaries and be the father of 11 children. At first Dries is happy about his discoveries and feels a strong link to his grandfather. But the more he digs into the past, the less he can avoid a growing fear that his father's psychiatric illness might be hereditary, from grandfather to father to son. And what then germinates in Dries' children? Browsing through film and photo archives, with dramatic and sometimes hilarious findings from three generations of family history, Dries looks for answers, but his search only leads to more questions. Ultimately, Dries decides to go and see a psychiatrist. These visits, combined with the viewing of his archival material help Dries look at bipolarity with new eyes. He realizes that the most powerful treatment is already within his reach.
Running time: 01:16:00