20:00 / 8PM

This screening session includes 1 feature + 1 short film (approximately 90 minutes, original versions with English subtitles).
@ Studio Skoop, Sint-Annaplein 63, 9000 Gent.
Tickets are only 6€ per session, and include a free drink at the Studio Skoop bar afterwards. *All proceeds go to The Bigger Screen, an international organisation supporting independent filmmakers.

Methuselah (United States) by Nathan Sellers
*** FilmQuest, Boston Underground Film Festival, New Hampshire Film Festival
Rooted in a childhood memory, 'Methuselah' examines the exploitation of trees and their haunting dual role, as silent witnesses and unwitting participants, in humanity's long history of violence.
Running time: 00:04:11

It's only/not only a body... or a short film about freedom (Poland) by Michał Hytroś
*** 63rd Kraków Film Festival, 31st EnergaCAMERIMAGE, 35th Trieste Film Festival
Love thyself. This is the life credo of Zosia - a photographer, traveller and free spirit. Going round the world in her camper, she uses photography to make other women comfortable with nakedness and teaches them to love their own bodies. In front of her lens stood women who experienced eating disorders and did not accept their looks. Zosia, who has no place of her own on Earth, has been on the road since she left school at the age of 18. Freedom is a priority for her but loneliness and longing for love may sometimes jeopardise her travelling plans.
Running time: 01:22:16